
my address

I love to get things in the mail, especially things that aren't all that available here (flavored coffees, dill pickles, a paintball gun), so if y'all feel the urge to spread the love......

If mailing via the U.S. Postal Service address letters and packages to:
Autumn Rogers
P.O. Box 24770 #PMB-EC-DR
West Palm Beach, FL 33416

If mailing via UPS, FedEx, etc address everything to:
Autumn Rogers
2211 2nd Ave. North
Suite 11-EC-DR
Lake Worth, FL 33461

My mail service requires a list of contents on the outside of any box.


Blogger Jennifer said...

Hey Autumn,
Just wanted to say that your dad's comment on the last blog was sooo cute....sounds just like something my dad would say.
I love you and am glad to hear you've been refreshed with girly day and outdoor activities. My heart is also refreshed when I'm outside, and a lot of times there's just not a lot of space here in NY to do that. Know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you :)

12:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey girl! so i thought you were in the DR but according to your address you're in FL! you sure had us all fooled but i'm on to you now! i love you girl and wish i could send you a paintball gun.

1:52 PM  

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