
retreat week

Tonight starts Retreat here at Escuela Caribe..it's almost like summer camp for our students - lots of games, workshops, devos, worship, etc. It's the most spiritually emphasised time here, and always leaves a lasting impression on the kiddos. Please keep it in prayer...our students need much healing, grace, freedom and joy, found in Christ alone. I'll post again soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Autumn,
I'm excited that you have a blog, it'll help me and Debi keep up to date with you better. We miss you and hope to see you soon. Merit says hi, she has been crawling around ferociously for the last 30 minutes, but has finally worn down and is almost asleep. I prayed for your retreat and hope that God is blessing it and you. Talk to you soon, love


8:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is awesome that you got a Blog. It was good to get your email. I'll be praying for you.


9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetie,

It was good to talk with you last night. As non -- high tech as I am, I like your blog. Keep it up. Have a great week with Retreat. I am praying for your girls (and for you too!).

Much love, MOM

8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey beautiful sweetheart,
So good to hear from you. I'll be praying for you and the retreat. That God will pour much blessings into the student's hearts and be lifted up and that God's spirit be overflowing at this time to you and everyone around you. love you,

4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girl!
hows it going...im praying for you and your girls. this blog is really encouraging- being able to read what you're up to and reading all the people who are praying for you. i hope it is as encouraging for you as it is to me! i love you girl- you rock my world!
grace n peace, faith-o!!!!!!!!!!

8:58 PM  

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