

Well, Retreat is over and the normal structure is back in place. It was a very fun-packed, encouraging week. I had the joy of being a team captain for the morning competitions. This meant keeping the enthusiasm up: wrestling other team captains, throwing raw eggs on opposing teams, losing my voice, etc. Good times.
Our speaker spoke to our students on Hebrews 12 - walking the walk, casting burdens, and fixing our eyes on Christ. Thankfully, students didn't make "emotional"decisions, but small, genuine steps in the right direction (towards God). One of my favorite testimonies from the week was a young man who said how he had never looked forward to anything back at home, waking up with no purpose, and feeling empty and dead inside. Until this past week - he actually had fun, looked forward to the next day, and felt alive. Rad, huh?
The speaker also led staff devos on rest. A very appropriate topic for our 50 staff members that are continually wearing themselves out over our students. Although I physically, and emotionally exhaust myself, I know that rest is truly only found in the spiritual realm, the presence of God, the pages of His Word....not always a nap, or vegging on a movie. Please pray this for our staff as we are facing a lot of pain and transition on campus.
My new houseparents move in today! Keep our 9 girls in your prayers, as they are sure to be butts for at least the next month. :) Good thing I like big butts....and I cannot lie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! It is really awesome to hear what you're up to! Praise God for the retreat - that you and your staffers could be ministered to for a time. I will keep you and your girls and the new houseparents in my prayers. Love ya, Mullet

In response to your love of big butts:
Red beans and rice, they miss her!

3:03 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hey Autumn... you can put my two blogs on your link too... www.drtree.blogspot.com and www.prayerpost.blogspot.com also Caribbean in your description is spelled wrong...

9:17 PM  

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