
a change of plans

This past week was extremely, emotionally stressful - I even wrote a poem about it and I never write poetry! One night, when I was on by myself, 7 out of our 10 girls got sick. Fevers, puke, excessive trips to the toilet....it made for a very hectic and hard to control night for the supervisor (me). Also, my friend, Christy, was supposed to fly in on Saturday night, but hurricane Jeanne kept her in Florida and she's not coming until tomorrow. I realized however, that her visit was what I was looking to in order to rescue me from the physical, emotional and spiritual exhaustion I was feeling. Finding out that she wasn't coming an hour prior to when her flight was supposed to arrive was the straw that broke the camel's back - and God's gentle whisper "won't you look to me to rescue you?" I'm in need of prayer. Even with my friend being here, pray that I look to the Holy Spirit to minister to me, and pray that I be a blessing to Christy.


Blogger Peter Schott said...

Hey Autumn! I agree, where's this poem??? ;) Btw, I started a blog today, too! :D http://praisetoday.blogspot.com check it out, plsss??? :)

12:21 PM  
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12:28 AM  

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