
craving a real church

I was so homesick for my Denton church today. It is hard to "worship" with 50 students who don't live what they sing, and are required to attend church. The 50 some staff members are required to attend church as well. Really....it's not church at all. Not in the new testament definition of fellowship. We have such an opportunity to have a radical community of believers here, but even with the care groups, bible studies and devos we do there is no real family. There are so many references of "especially to the body of believers" in the new testament - love, carry one another's burdens, give, meet together, comfort, forgive, etc. I'm around the staff here day in and day out and these acts of true spirituality and selflessness happen sporadically. I'm pointing the finger at myself as well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

a vibrant alive community will always have tension. even in your perfect community of fellowship dissonance is inevidable. learning to live in that tension is what God wants us to do in community. the perfect picture of community must have conflict and dissturbance painted in. otherwise nothing would be searched out and studied, or even created. conflict causes us to explore God's creation and his church.

5:34 AM  
Blogger Russ said...

Hey Autumn,

I know what you mean when you say that you miss the sort of christian fellowship / Body-caring that you used to have. Once you've tasted of that intimacy, when it's gone, it seems to leave a hole.

Although what you said may be true, we also have the chance to help MAKE this fellowship something better. I would imagine it is harder to do this in the environment of so much necessary 'order & structure.' But, I'm sure if more people with your heart got involved (joined the church board or planning committee?) things could be different.

I have noticed some GOOD things about this little chapel though: a corporate prayer time to share praise and needs is kinda neat... and the fact that over 1/2 of all offerings that come in go directly to helping the poor and building up the community of Jarabacoa in Jesus' name.

Aside from chapel time, though, it IS a challenge to BE the body of Christ sometimes... and it may be easier to find a 'few' trusted friends to meet with, to have communion with, to share your love for Jesus with, on your own time... rather than the pre-set Monday morning caregroup that we've all been 'placed' in.

It's extra work sometimes, and could take us out of our comfort zones, but WE are the Body and as we gather in 2's, 3's or by the dozen THAT is the church. In order to have a radical community of believers... you've gotta have individuals who are radical believers in the first place.

Let's make the best of what God has given to us at THIS time in our live's journey. Seek Him together, and support eachother in Christ. Amen.

11:47 AM  

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