C.S. Lewis:
"if i find in myself a desire which no
experience in this world can satisfy.
the most probable explanation is that
i was made for another world."
i don't find it inconsequential that i stumbled upon this quote today after just writing the previous post about my "need" for adventure. i absolutely believe my Father refreshes and speaks to me by being in the outdoors and experiencing new things, but i'm guilty of substituting adventure for His Word. the love song and life manual has been replaced by me constantly "doing" or "going". i've said before that i feel more rested/refreshed after hiking instead of rocking on my porch and reading. or when was the last time i just sat and breathed in and out thoughts and prayers of life, Jesus, and this messy world? (yoga hasn't reached this country) lewis is right - of course - that there is no experience in this world that will satisfy. the theology of ecclesiastes is that we don't experience God through His gifts; rather that without God in His grace allowing us to enjoy life and everything in it, our every effort towards enjoyment is an empty attempt for fufillment.
You probably don't remember me, but I was with a group of Taylor students who came to the DR when you first started with New Horizons. That is unimportant really...I just wrote to say that I stumbled upon your message board several weeks ago and I am often encouraged by what you share. To be honest I know little about you and your work, but it seems that you have a heart for the Lord and his work and because of that he is using you.
Blessings, Jenn
autumn! i miss you girl...just thought i drop a note. love you sisiter!
"Man does not thrive on mindless pleasures, but on challenge."
I heard someone say this when I was a young Christian, and it has shaped the course of my life to this day. I can imagine no greater challenge than to live wholeheartedly for God, learning to listen and follow Him.
It is a whole life and lifetime challenge...
Love you so much!
well I must say I kinda just feel like one of the fan club writing to you on here... Pete is home in ND as you know; we were just chattin about the DR and I got to wondering how you have been. It was cool chatting with you after pete's wedding. but it's been awhile since you've written on your blog I see so if you want to write me back and chat some more just drop me an e-mail at alschott05@hotmail.com- let me know you're alive! :)
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