who is this wonder boy?
ryan vaughn is just a friend of a friend to me - the name i know, the person i don't. i think we sat at the same table once in a college station restaurant with mutual friends. i've sat in his apartment and listened to him talk of God and music, but he wasn't talking to me. we also worked at the same coffee shop where again i would hear him talking - to whom i'm not sure, since again it wasn't directed towards me. this leads me to think that he talks to everyone, knowing someone will listen. and people do, or at least i did...and still do - click on his link to the right and you'll know why.
I figured your blog might be the best way to reach you--I had not been to it in quite a while. Your adventures sound intoxicating, and work, intense.
God is using you so sweetly.
I'm moving to NYC soon, and have much to share with you.
i like this wander kid. he's sort of charming, but not too, official or anything.
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