
texas highways

i've been up since 6:00 working with either a scrub brush, toothbrush or broom in hand. the student houses get inspected every week and if we don't pass we're required to clean the house for 8 hours on our freeday. it's not supposed to be a "fun" day, so the girls have all been pretty quiet...which allows me a few moments to slip into my own world.
for some odd reason every time i space my mind has conjured up images of the small towns, hay bales, dairy queens, and gas stations off highway 6 between Waco and College Station or I59 headed towards Conroe. these are the roads i drove the most during college - headed towards church in The Woodlands or home to Dallas...also where i got every one of my speeding tickets. why my mind is taking me to these roads, i don't know; i usually space about white walls or swimming pools full of fettucine alfredo. i live on a tropical mountainside with a view of a lush valley and quaint town, yet all day i've been homesick for the flat, bare, brown terrain of texas. maybe i should head towards haiti this weekend....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the flat bare brown terrain..."
It is not all that bad, but from the pics you've sent us from the DR, I can see how you think that.
It is darn hot now, but Fall will be here in a few weeks!

I love you,


4:51 PM  
Blogger Peter Schott said...

I know the feeling, there are times I miss the plains of ND, 5 month (ok, sometimes six) of winter, etc...being homesick does funny things to someone.

Read your groupwise, then answer this question...

Where's my pizza?

8:20 AM  
Blogger Peter Schott said...

I know the feeling, there are times I miss the plains of ND, 5 month (ok, sometimes six) of winter, etc...being homesick does funny things to someone.

Read your groupwise, then answer this question...

Where's my pizza?


8:20 AM  

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