
expecting expectations

i heard a quote recently: "ministry begins when expectations cease". i didn't like that much at first, but when it comes to my girls, it's proven true. they're professional rebels, so i can't expect them to be good or treat me with respect. therefore, i don't freak out or get upset or become prideful when they're butt-holes. however, when a person who claims Christ is Lord of their life then expectations are formed right away. Scripture has a lot of high standards that it calls us to, and i'd like to think that most believers are trying to attain. but with every calling on our life, there is grace to accomplish it - both from God and His family. it's right and scriptural to hold believers accountable to God's commands. so i would like to add something to this quote - ministry to the lost begins when expectations cease.
my tongue is back to its rosy-self now. thank you for all the concern!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think thats a great quote. but i do think it still applies to all "ministries", whether to unbeliever or believer. I'm learning that no one can judge where one christian is in his/her understanding of the sanctified life God has called us to. So while God has laid out a life-picture for us to follow (as believers), its incorrect for us to expect too much from eachother, because what if they are right where God wants them to be? Josiah taught on this the other day concerning marraige and its correlation to our relationship with God: he counseled us to discard expectations. They usually aren't correct, and then leave us feeling frustrated and let down for something that we shouldn't have expected in the first place.
Can i add something to the quote as well? "ministry begins when expectations cease; expectations are realized when grace abounds." um.. yeah i don't know if that makes sense, but it does to me! :) i love you, sister. i hope you get some rest soon, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

9:22 AM  

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