

i finally have dates when i'm going to texas for my vacation! i'll be flying into DFW may 9 and leaving june 5. that's only 17 days away! when i return i'll be working in a different house, with different staff and students for a girls summer program for 10 weeks. in the meantime, i'm day dreaming about freebird burritoes, my dad's specialty brew, tubing down the river, re-uniting with old roommates and whatever else y'all want to do! let me know where i can fit into your schedules.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

may 9?!!! thats awesome! i cant wait to see you! i dont have to be in LA until may 23!

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Autumn! I ran into Julie in the West Village last night and she directed me to your blog! You are ABSOLUTELY amazing! You will be in my prayers! Come to New York if you get a chance! :D

12:00 PM  

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