
chicken soup for the humble soul

i was making buffalo chicken soup last night for some friends that had a baby. while in town, buying the fixins, i figured that the meat at the butchers had to be way more "fresh" than the saran wrapped packages at the market; cheaper too. i like to think myself as savage or "hard core", but as he handed me the chicken i had to humble myself and ask him to cut off the head and feet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

one time i bought a chicken and didn't see the man package it. those feet scared me to death when i opened the bag later that night! i had to saw them off myself because we didn't have any sharp knives. you did the right thing, babe!

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, the American Indians use to make use of all the parts from the buffalo. Maybe you could have made the feet into keychains or something.

Just a thought,
See you soon!

1:09 AM  

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