
from the homefront

i feel like i've hardly seen my family. i've been in denton, tx for almost two weeks now and i don't feel like i've done a lot of fun vacationing. i hung out with my grandma and merit the first week and then everyone but my mom left for various locations (mission trip, wedding, roadtrip, etc) and do not do not return until sunday. christy came in on tuesday and although i've been sick, my time with her has been refreshing in the way that i know i need. last night we watched Shall We Dance?, and had a dance party afterwards. this morning we prayed together. today we're making luke t-shirts. he comes in tonight, which will add a whole new dynamic to things. i'm ready to see him, but curious as to how our relationship will be strengthened or strained in this environment.


word entry: GRACE function: VERB

the word grace is most often referred to and used as a noun, except in the case of conferring dignity or honor to someone. i would like to argue, however, that grace is living and breathing; an action verb. this morning i intervened on behalf of one of my girls in a way that no feelings nor desire accompanied. no question, the Spirit moved my body and opened my mouth against common sense. being a justice girl, i'm now peeved at the Spirit that i assisted in someone getting off with less than deserved. isn't my surrender a prerequisite to being used by the Spirit? ha! doesn't that just showcase my carnality? i'm so thankful that the Messiah was/is grace for his joy. i'm thankful, also, that the Spirit uses us as instruments of righteousness through our depravity.