I'm sitting in the cutest coffee shop right now - reminds me of Sweet Eugenes, for you aggies out there. Erin is at work, and I came here to use internet and work myself. But....I'm not getting much done yet. Amazingly, with all the lesson-planning I still need to do, I feel on top of things. I know the end goal of our efforts this summer, and I'm pumped to get things started, which will make the training flow naturally.
This project has turned more relational over the last few weeks, as I've corresponded more with our missionaries and gotten to know my teammates better. This has been so good for my motivation and excitement - the work in and of itself doesn't thrill me, but the chance to serve the field in this manner, and beside some amazing people (my Dad being one of them!), makes me wish I was leaving this afternoon. Please pray for my teammates, who are still struggling to raise the needed funds and get last minute things together before meeting up with everyone on Sunday night!